The Signs, Symptoms and Treatment Options for Hydrocodone Addiction
If you think that over-the-counter pain relievers are not deemed as deadly as the addiction to cocaine, ecstasy or methamphetamine, think again. In fact, pain relievers that are sold under the familiar brand name of Vicodin (which is just one of the many brands of hydrocodone) are being abused by thousands, if not millions, of people today! Read on to learn more about the signs, symptoms and treatment options for hydrocodone addiction . Why is Hydrocodone Readily Available? One of the major reasons for the rise in the numbers of people who fall prey to hydrocodone addiction is that it's (obviously) sold over the counter, and it's very effective, and you can get it with a doctor's prescription. If your doctor prescribes hydrocodone for you, you should be made aware of how to take it properly, and how to avoid getting addicted to it. But, since hydrocodone is an opioid in a class of drugs that are called narcotic analgesics, they connect to...